Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-sizing-4] Should aspect-ratio affect the intrinsic size? (#5032)

@fantasai @tabatkins 

> But if we place the float into a large container, it takes its max-content size, which would be 300px. This is not what an author would expect: they would expect the float to be its aspect-ratio-constrained width (floored by the min-content width if necessary), but no larger than that.

So the difference with "Option 2" is that we aren't actually using STF sizing in the float case. If we have a `width: auto`, with an aspect-ratio, and a definite height, STF doesn't apply. I.e.
1) `width: auto` (which wouldn't be STF as it has an aspect ratio with a definite height) would resolve to `100px`.
2) `min-width: auto` would be `150px` (applying the minimum automatic size rule).


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Received on Wednesday, 8 July 2020 17:09:08 UTC