Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-5] When mixing hue, there are two ways round the hue range (#4735)

There are 2 cases: (1) an author uses a graphical tool to obtain coordinates, and then copy/pastes those coordinates into a document. That puts the burden of figuring out what multiple of 360° to get the desired behavior onto the end user; (2) the graphical tool generates a whole gradient or color mix or whatever, and outputs CSS. In that case you are complicating the tool programmer’s job and making it more likely that their tools will have undesired behavior.

For e.g. a gradient, the tool is going to need to keep track of the turning number of every gradient stop, and potentially change every one in response to any change to the gradient. What would previously be a local update to 1 value becomes a fiddly global update.

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Received on Sunday, 9 February 2020 23:38:09 UTC