Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-cascade] Custom cascade origins (#4470)

> Not everyone pulls in (say) Bootstrap from a CDN and then sticks some overrides on it. 

by CDN I simply mean "not the same hostname".

I often set up one or more subdomains on the very same server pointing to the same files to overcome the connection limits (esp. for HTTP/1.1). So `cdn.myserver.tld` or `img.myserver.tld` and `myserver.tld` are actually the same machine and share the same root. Some trickery in Apache's `.htaccess` makes sure that only certain file types are delivered by and only accessible via the CDN URLs.

There you have you own "CDN" to stick some overrides on it :) 
Same simple rules apply.

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Received on Saturday, 1 February 2020 08:10:14 UTC