Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-5] Findings on SCSS function usage to inform direction of Color 5 (#5782)

> The Web can't stay in sRGB forever, screens have moved past it for years now.

I'm not suggesting we stay in sRGB forever. I'm suggesting we change our approach from graceful degradation (srgb fallback), to progressively enhance (lab/lch as an upgrade). 

> Are you seriously suggesting we determine course of action for LCH based on its adoption in preprocessors which a) has barely been an option for MONTHS and b) has no color modification functions tied to it? c) is not even built-in, but an add-on?!

Yes, I think we should look at adoption (if any). Even if it's a short blip of time in comparison for CSS. And it's not just about CSS's adoption of LCH, look at the whole industry. Lab / perceptual color spaces have been around since the 70's, have terrible adoption in tooling (designer and developer tooling), and while a very meaningful upgrade from sRGB, in many many ways (again i'm on your side here in 100% wanting lab/lch/etc color spaces to be available from CSS), I can't ignore this 50 year adoption curve. 

I don't think this is the right carrot to dangle in front of browsers or engineers to get them to add color spaces. I don't think if browser shipped lab/lch today, that design tools or handoff tools would swift off of hex. 

From what I can tell, we all agree on:
- shorter, less powerful, easier to get started with naive functions like `lighten(black 20%)` and `opacity()`
- middle ground complexity functions `color-adjust(black lightness -20%)`
- advanced destructuring and relative functions `hsl(from black h s calc(l - 20%))`
- when/if lab/lch are available in the browser, use it for the color functions not sRGB
-  developers to be able to leverage all the display features, represent their colors with 100% fidelity, and perform color manipulations with confidence

What we disagree on:
- blocking color functions with lab/lch color space support

Again, I'm not advocating against adding color spaces. I'm advocating for unblocking. Allowing color functions and color spaces to progress individually. The package deal isn't selling well, to eng or the community. The outcome y'all pitch for, which again I want and agree with, this ability for CSS to use the higher quality colors in these powerful displays, can happen eventually. And again, I 100% see the value of color manipulation in lab/lch, it's the right goal. I think we can get there with smaller steps, instead of waiting for a big step. And yes, I understand this pitch is probably getting old. This pitch of, "can't we just use sRGB for today." I still believe there's room for everyone to win here. 

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