Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values] Ability to address actual physical size (#614)

Another use case:

We are creating web application, and we know the intended viewing distances. For example in our system, we created:

-  Page for big screen in the hall, where we guessed viewing distance to be 10 meters
-  Another page is build for operators, where screen is mounted on wall, and user do not interact with it, so we guessed distance to be 2 meters.
- Next page could be displayed on same display, but this time we expect that user is sitting on the chair, so distance will be 70cm.
- We have pages optimized for tablets, for in terrain work....

We want to create system, that will calculate best font size from expected viewing distance (known to author in our case) and ideal viewing angle (user configurable, based on sight quality). We can calculate optimal size in real centimeters, but we don't have methods to set size in css pixels. 

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