Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-sizing] clarification around Compressible Replaced Elements and min-content size (#5665)

> I think the current spec in 5.2.1.c dictates that specified size suggestion is `0px` in this case. @fantasai said that this compressible behavior was needed for compat, and it looks like it was originally for images in tables -- I doubt replaced elements as flexbox items had compat problems back in 2017. So, my point is, I'm not sure why the flex/grid automatic minimum size stuff was ever put in 5.2.1c. There probably was a good reason, I just don't know it and I'm confused by the results.

It looks like that spec text was added to 5.2.1c in, with a bit of explanation in

In particular, the intent of the change was 'to make the cyclic percentage rules that zero out percentages apply to automatic minimum size calculations, making the “specified size suggestion” definite (and equal to zero, in the case of a pure percentage).'

It looks like this was briefly discussed in the subsequent CSSWG meeting, as quoted in the next comment there.

I think this all means that @davidsgrogan is correct that the specified size suggestion is indeed `0px` in this case, which means Chrome's rendering of the original testcase is correct.  It's true that there isn't any cyclic dependency, but that doesn't matter; the spec says we should apply the same rule, and we should resolve the percent to 0, for the purpose of computing the specified size suggestion.

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