- From: Tab Atkins Jr. via GitHub <sysbot+gh@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 18:29:37 +0000
- To: public-css-archive@w3.org
A list of all the uses of "aspect ratio" across the repo: ``` ./css-align-3/Overview.bs: Effectively ''justify-self/stretch'' for items with no intrinsic aspect ratio, ./css-align-3/Overview.bs: and ''justify-self/start'' for items with an intrinsic aspect ratio: ./css-backgrounds-3/Overview.bs: <dd>Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio ./css-backgrounds-3/Overview.bs: <dd>Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio ./css-backgrounds-3/Overview.bs:fit horizontally. The aspect ratio is preserved: ./css-backgrounds-3/Overview.bs:step: that other dimension is scaled so that the original aspect ratio ./css-backgrounds-3/Overview.bs:aspect ratio: ./css-backgrounds-3/Overview.bs:keep the original aspect ratio: ./css-backgrounds-3/Overview.bs:that width at the original aspect ratio or slightly less: ./css-backgrounds-3/Overview.bs:the width that correspond to a 4em height at the original aspect ratio: ./css-box-3/block-layout.bs: that elements with a <a>complex aspect ratio</a> (defined below) are ./css-box-3/block-layout.bs:<dt>Type 3: replaced elements with a <dfn>complex aspect ratio</dfn> ./css-content-3/Overview.bs: Issue: "Zero intrinsic width and height" gives it an undefined aspect ratio, ./css-device-adapt-1/Overview.bs: the aspect ratio of a printed document may be influenced by a style sheet, ./css-device-adapt-1/Overview.bs: on the default aspect ratio of the user agent.” ./css-flexbox-1/issues-cr-2012.html:Summary: Interaction of 'stretch' and items with aspect ratio ./css-flexbox-1/issues-cr-2012.html:Summary: Transfer min/max constraints across dimensions via aspect ratio? ./css-flexbox-1/issues-cr-2012.txt:Summary: Interaction of 'stretch' and items with aspect ratio ./css-flexbox-1/issues-cr-2012.txt:Summary: Transfer min/max constraints across dimensions via aspect ratio? ./css-flexbox-1/issues-cr-20160526.bsi:Summary: Restore deleted def for auto min size w/o specified size or aspect ratio ./css-flexbox-1/issues-cr-20160526.html:<span>Summary: Restore deleted def for auto min size w/o specified size or aspect ratio</span> ./css-flexbox-1/issues-lc-20140325.html:Summary: Min-height tweak to skip intrinsic aspect ratio items ./css-flexbox-1/issues-lc-20140325.html:Summary: Should intrinsic aspect ratio be considered? ./css-flexbox-1/issues-lc-20140325.txt:Summary: Min-height tweak to skip intrinsic aspect ratio items ./css-flexbox-1/issues-lc-20140325.txt:Summary: Should intrinsic aspect ratio be considered? ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: However, if the box has an aspect ratio and no <a>specified size</a>, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: If the box has neither a <a>specified size suggestion</a> nor an aspect ratio, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: If the item has an intrinsic aspect ratio ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: converted through the aspect ratio. ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: clamped, if it has an aspect ratio, by any <a>definite</a> <a lt="min cross size property">min and max cross size properties</a> converted through the aspect ratio, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: but with adjustments to handle aspect ratios, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: <li>an intrinsic aspect ratio, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: and the <a>flex item</a>’s intrinsic aspect ratio. ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: even if it has an intrinsic aspect ratio. ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: and the flex item’s intrinsic aspect ratio. ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: but with adjustments to handle aspect ratios, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: of boxes with neither <a>specified size</a> nor aspect ratio, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: even if it has an intrinsic aspect ratio.</p> ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: Allow intrinsic aspect ratios to inform the <a href="#algo-main-item">main-size calculation.</a> ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: <li>an intrinsic aspect ratio, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.bs: and the <a>flex item</a>’s intrinsic aspect ratio.</p> ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: However, if the box has an aspect ratio and no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#specified-size" id="ref-for-specified-size">specified size</a>, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: If the box has neither a <span id="ref-for-specified-size-suggestion①">specified size suggestion</span> nor an aspect ratio, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: <dd> If the item has an intrinsic aspect ratio ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: converted through the aspect ratio. ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: clamped, if it has an aspect ratio, by any <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#definite" id="ref-for-definite④">definite</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#min-cross-size-property" id="ref-for-min-cross-size-property①">min and max cross size properties</a> converted through the aspect ratio, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: but with adjustments to handle aspect ratios, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: <li>an intrinsic aspect ratio, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: its <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-cascade-4/#used-value" id="ref-for-used-value">used</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-sizing-3/#inner-size" id="ref-for-inner-size">inner</a> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cross-size" id="ref-for-cross-size⑧">cross size</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#flex-item" id="ref-for-flex-item⑨⑤">flex item</a>’s intrinsic aspect ratio. ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: even if it has an intrinsic aspect ratio. </p> ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: and the flex item’s intrinsic aspect ratio. ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: but with adjustments to handle aspect ratios, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: <li id="change-2016-reword-min-auto-fix"><a class="self-link" href="#change-2016-reword-min-auto-fix"></a> Restored definition of the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-sizing-3/#automatic-minimum-size" id="ref-for-automatic-minimum-size⑤">automatic minimum size</a> of boxes with neither <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#specified-size" id="ref-for-specified-size①">specified size</a> nor aspect ratio, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: even if it has an intrinsic aspect ratio.</p> ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: <a class="self-link" href="#change-2012-intrinsic-ratio"></a> Allow intrinsic aspect ratios to inform the <a href="#algo-main-item">main-size calculation.</a> (<a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-flexbox-1/issues-cr-2012#issue-8">Issue 8</a>) ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: <li>an intrinsic aspect ratio, ./css-flexbox-1/Overview.html: <p>then the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#flex-base-size" id="ref-for-flex-base-size③⑨">flex base size</a> is calculated from its inner <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#cross-size" id="ref-for-cross-size④⑧">cross size</a> and the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#flex-item" id="ref-for-flex-item①⑦⑧">flex item</a>’s intrinsic aspect ratio.</p> ./css-fonts-3/doc-20130711-LCWD.html:i18n-ISSUE-293: Aspect value vs aspect ratio ./css-grid-1/issues-cr-2016.bsi:Summary: Clamping should transfer through aspect ratio in automatic min size ./css-grid-1/issues-cr-2016.bsi:Summary: Stretch vs. start is replaced elements or boxes with aspect ratio? ./css-grid-1/issues-cr-2016.bsi:Summary: Harmonize intrinsic sizing w/ aspect ratio ./css-grid-1/issues-cr-2016.html:<span>Summary: Clamping should transfer through aspect ratio in automatic min size</span> ./css-grid-1/issues-cr-2016.html:<span>Summary: Stretch vs. start is replaced elements or boxes with aspect ratio?</span> ./css-grid-1/issues-cr-2016.html:<span>Summary: Harmonize intrinsic sizing w/ aspect ratio</span> ./css-grid-1/Overview.bs: (or with an aspect ratio and an intrinsic size in the other dimension) ./css-grid-1/Overview.bs: Note: This may distort the aspect ratio of the item, if it has one. ./css-grid-1/Overview.bs: If the item has an intrinsic aspect ratio ./css-grid-1/Overview.bs: converted through the aspect ratio ./css-grid-1/Overview.bs: clamped, if it has an aspect ratio, ./css-grid-1/Overview.bs: converted through the aspect ratio, ./css-grid-1/Overview.bs: and ensured that this correctly affects the transferred size when the item has an aspect ratio ./css-images-3/issues-cr-2012.json: "summary": "Elements with intrinsic size but no aspect ratio", ./css-images-3/issues-cr-2012.yaml: summary: Elements with intrinsic size but no aspect ratio ./css-images-3/issues-lc-2012.html:Summary: <strong>Define closest aspect ratio more precisely</strong> ./css-images-3/issues-lc-2012.html:Summary: <strong>SVG with one intrinsic dimension and an aspect ratio</strong> ./css-images-3/issues-lc-2012.txt:Summary: Define closest aspect ratio more precisely ./css-images-3/issues-lc-2012.txt:Summary: SVG with one intrinsic dimension and an aspect ratio ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: the <a>ending shape</a> is given the same aspect ratio it would have if ''farthest-side'' were specified. ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: and <dfn>intrinsic aspect ratio</dfn> ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: SVG images designed to scale might have only an <a>intrinsic aspect ratio</a>; ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: but no <a>intrinsic aspect ratio</a>. ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: If it has multiple aspect ratios at that size, ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: or has multiple aspect ratios and no size, ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: then the aspect ratio closest to the aspect ratio of the <a>default object size</a> is used. ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: Determine this by seeing which aspect ratio produces the largest area ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: 1. If the [=object=] has an <a>intrinsic aspect ratio</a>, ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: is calculated using the <a>intrinsic aspect ratio</a> and the present dimension. ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: using the [=object’s=] <a>intrinsic aspect ratio</a>: ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: by setting the <a>concrete object size</a> to the largest rectangle that has the [=object’s=] <a>intrinsic aspect ratio</a> ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: by setting the <a>concrete object size</a> to the smallest rectangle that has the [=object’s=] <a>intrinsic aspect ratio</a> ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: if the object doesn't have an intrinsic aspect ratio, ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect ratio ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect ratio ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: Note: Both ''object-fit/none'' and ''object-fit/contain'' respect the content's intrinsic aspect ratio, ./css-images-3/Overview.bs: - Defined how to determine the closeness of two aspect ratios ./css-images-4/Overview.bs: The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect ratio ./css-images-4/Overview.bs: Note: Both ''object-fit/none'' and ''object-fit/contain'' respect the content's intrinsic aspect ratio, ./css-images-4/Overview.bs: The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect ratio ./css-images-4/Overview.bs: Note: Both ''object-fit/none'' and ''object-fit/cover'' respect the content's intrinsic aspect ratio, ./css-page-3/issues.htm:<dd>Extend this property to apply when both 'width' and 'height' are 'auto' and min/max-width/height are used. Another way of saying this is, extend the property to provide the following additional use cases: preserving aspect ratio, scale a replaced element such that it is as large as possible within a given rectangular area; and similarly, preserving aspect ratio, scale a replaced element such that it is ./css-page-3/issues.html:<dd>Extend this property to apply when both 'width' and 'height' are 'auto' and min/max-width/height are used. Another way of saying this is, extend the property to provide the following additional use cases: preserving aspect ratio, scale a replaced element such that it is as large as possible within a given rectangular area; and similarly, preserving aspect ratio, scale a replaced element such that it is ./css-page-3/lc-doc-20040215.htm:those ISO paper sizes that all have the same aspect ratio, if you want ./css-page-3/Overview.bs: <li>Scale the page box to fit the page sheet. (The aspect ratio of the page box ./css-sizing-3/Overview.bs: but preserves the intrinsic aspect ratio, if any) ./css-sizing-3/Overview.bs: Note: Note that when the box has an intrinsic aspect ratio, ./css-sizing-3/Overview.bs: (as it does for images with an intrinsic aspect ratio but no intrinsic size, ./css-sizing-3/Overview.bs: <dt>For boxes with an intrinsic aspect ratio, but no intrinsic size: ./css-sizing-3/Overview.bs: and calculate the block size using the aspect ratio. ./css-sizing-3/Overview.bs: use that size and calculate the other dimension using the aspect ratio; ./css-sizing-3/Overview.bs: and calculate the other dimension using the aspect ratio. ./css-sizing-3/Overview.bs: <dt>For boxes without an intrinsic aspect ratio: ./css-sizing-3/Overview.bs: <li>Switched default sizing of an object with an intrinsic aspect ratio to use the ICB size instead of 300px×150px. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: This property sets a <dfn export>preferred aspect ratio</dfn> for the box, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: a <a>replaced element</a> with an <a>intrinsic aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: depends on this aspect ratio ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: <a>Replaced elements</a> with an <a>intrinsic aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: use that aspect ratio; ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: otherwise the box has no <a>preferred aspect ratio</a>. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: Size calculations involving <a>intrinsic aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: The box’s <a>preferred aspect ratio</a> is the specified ratio ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: Size calculations involving <a>preferred aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: then the <a>preferred aspect ratio</a> has no effect: ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: for the <a>preferred aspect ratio</a> to have an impact on sizing. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: giving the iframe an aspect ratio to use for sizing ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: so that it behaves exactly like an image with that aspect ratio. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: and a height calculated from that width and the aspect ratio, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: when applying 'min-block-size' to the aspect ratio calculations, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: when applying 'max-block-size' to the aspect ratio calculations. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: using the aspect ratio to resolve the width ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: of a box with a <a>preferred aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: even the box with excess content maintains the 1:1 aspect ratio. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: Overriding the 'min-height' property also maintains the 1:1 aspect ratio, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs:Contain-fit Sizing: stretching while maintaining an aspect ratio</h3> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: to maintain the box’s intrinsic aspect ratio, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: by the minimum necessary for it to match the box's intrinsic aspect ratio. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: that would cause overflow of the target rectangle if the aspect ratio were honored, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.bs: do we honor the aspect ratio or skew the image? ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: <li><a href="#contain-fit-sizing"><span class="secno">7.2</span> <span class="content"> Contain-fit Sizing: stretching while maintaining an aspect ratio</span></a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: <p>This property sets a <dfn class="dfn-paneled" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-export id="preferred-aspect-ratio">preferred aspect ratio</dfn> for the box, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display-3/#replaced-element" id="ref-for-replaced-element">replaced element</a> with an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#intrinsic-aspect-ratio" id="ref-for-intrinsic-aspect-ratio">intrinsic aspect ratio</a>, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: depends on this aspect ratio ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: <dd> <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display-3/#replaced-element" id="ref-for-replaced-element①">Replaced elements</a> with an <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#intrinsic-aspect-ratio" id="ref-for-intrinsic-aspect-ratio①">intrinsic aspect ratio</a> use that aspect ratio; ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: otherwise the box has no <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#preferred-aspect-ratio" id="ref-for-preferred-aspect-ratio">preferred aspect ratio</a>. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: Size calculations involving <span id="ref-for-intrinsic-aspect-ratio②">intrinsic aspect ratio</span> work with the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-box-3/#content-box" id="ref-for-content-box">content box</a> dimensions always. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: <dd> The box’s <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#preferred-aspect-ratio" id="ref-for-preferred-aspect-ratio①">preferred aspect ratio</a> is the specified ratio ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: Size calculations involving <span id="ref-for-preferred-aspect-ratio②">preferred aspect ratio</span> work with the dimensions of the box specified by <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-sizing-3/#propdef-box-sizing" id="ref-for-propdef-box-sizing①">box-sizing</a>. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: then the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#preferred-aspect-ratio" id="ref-for-preferred-aspect-ratio③">preferred aspect ratio</a> has no effect: ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: for the <span id="ref-for-preferred-aspect-ratio④">preferred aspect ratio</span> to have an impact on sizing.</p> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: giving the iframe an aspect ratio to use for sizing ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: so that it behaves exactly like an image with that aspect ratio. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: so that they have an aspect ratio while they load? ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: when applying <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-logical-1/#propdef-min-block-size" id="ref-for-propdef-min-block-size">min-block-size</a> to the aspect ratio calculations, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: when applying <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-logical-1/#propdef-max-block-size" id="ref-for-propdef-max-block-size">max-block-size</a> to the aspect ratio calculations. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: <p>using the aspect ratio to resolve the width ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-sizing-3/#automatic-minimum-size" id="ref-for-automatic-minimum-size">automatic minimum size</a> in the <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#ratio-dependent-axis" id="ref-for-ratio-dependent-axis">ratio-dependent axis</a> of a box with a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="#preferred-aspect-ratio" id="ref-for-preferred-aspect-ratio⑤">preferred aspect ratio</a> that is neither a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display-3/#replaced-element" id="ref-for-replaced-element②">replaced element</a> nor a <a data-link-type="dfn" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-overflow-3/#scroll-container" id="ref-for-scroll-container">scroll container</a> is the minimum of ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: even the box with excess content maintains the 1:1 aspect ratio.</p> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: <p>Overriding the <a class="property" data-link-type="propdesc" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css2/visudet.html#propdef-min-height" id="ref-for-propdef-min-height③">min-height</a> property also maintains the 1:1 aspect ratio, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: <h3 class="heading settled" data-level="7.2" id="contain-fit-sizing"><span class="secno">7.2. </span><span class="content"> Contain-fit Sizing: stretching while maintaining an aspect ratio</span><a class="self-link" href="#contain-fit-sizing"></a></h3> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: to maintain the box’s intrinsic aspect ratio, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: by the minimum necessary for it to match the box’s intrinsic aspect ratio. ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: that would cause overflow of the target rectangle if the aspect ratio were honored, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: do we honor the aspect ratio or skew the image? ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: <li><a href="#preferred-aspect-ratio">preferred aspect ratio</a><span>, in §4.1</span> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html:Contain-fit Sizing: stretching while maintaining an aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html:Contain-fit Sizing: stretching while maintaining an aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html:Contain-fit Sizing: stretching while maintaining an aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html:Contain-fit Sizing: stretching while maintaining an aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html:Contain-fit Sizing: stretching while maintaining an aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html:Contain-fit Sizing: stretching while maintaining an aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html:Contain-fit Sizing: stretching while maintaining an aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html:Contain-fit Sizing: stretching while maintaining an aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html:Contain-fit Sizing: stretching while maintaining an aspect ratio</a> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: <li><span class="dfn-paneled" id="term-for-intrinsic-aspect-ratio" style="color:initial">intrinsic aspect ratio</span> ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: so that they have an aspect ratio while they load? ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: that would cause overflow of the target rectangle if the aspect ratio were honored, ./css-sizing-4/Overview.html: do we honor the aspect ratio or skew the image? ./css2/colors.html:height and an intrinsic aspect ratio, then the missing dimension is ./css2/colors.html:height and no intrinsic aspect ratio, then the missing dimension is ./css2/colors.src:height and an intrinsic aspect ratio, then the missing dimension is ./css2/colors.src:height and no intrinsic aspect ratio, then the missing dimension is ./mediaqueries-3/disposition.html:height divided by pixel width provides the correct device aspect ratio. For some devices, one cannot assume that pixel-height/pixel-width provides ./mediaqueries-3/disposition.html:the correct aspect ratio. ./mediaqueries-3/disposition.html: # In this specification, aspect ratio is defined as the number of ./mediaqueries-3/disposition.html: | In this specification, aspect ratio is defined as the horizontal ./mediaqueries-3/disposition2.html: # In this specification, aspect ratio is defined as the number of ./mediaqueries-3/disposition2.html: | In this specification, aspect ratio is defined as the horizontal ./mediaqueries-3/Overview.html: sheet in order to evaluate expressions. For example, the aspect ratio of a ./mediaqueries-3/Overview.html: based on the default aspect ratio of the user agent. ./mediaqueries-3/Overview.src.html:default aspect ratio of the user agent.</p> ``` -- GitHub Notification of comment by tabatkins Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4962#issuecomment-614822614 using your GitHub account
Received on Thursday, 16 April 2020 18:29:41 UTC