Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values-4] How to interpolate <ratio>? (#4953)

> if we go with "interpolate the divided result", that implies that the computed value has to be the divided result, I think?

I don't see why. For transforms, we “upgrade” values as needed for interpolation, in a way that's separate from how computed values work.

So, without that objection, I'd definitely argue for scaling to a denominator over 1 before interpolating numerators. Or alternatively, scaling up to a lowest common multiple denominator, to avoid precision issues from decimals. E.g., 5/1→300/200 would be interpolated as 1000/200→300/200. But that should give the same results, minus precision issues, as 5/1→1.5/1

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Received on Wednesday, 15 April 2020 23:45:31 UTC