Re: [csswg-drafts] [mediaqueries-4 ] Deprecate 'speech' media type as well? (#1751)

Speech synthesis with configurable voices would be nice for preschool kids and other illiterates. Many sites (and apps) for young children currently play back a prerecorded audio file for navigational elements on hover. This feels a bit like (and is as inflexible as) prerendered bitmap images for headings, which was commonly seen before the advent of downloadbable web fonts. This is quite different from speech synthesis for blind users who are usually used to a single voice and very fast playback speeds.

Voice-only or voice-first user agents and texts prerecorded by TTS systems are also common in transport and traffic environments, e.g. in car multimedia systems and with earphone devices used to listen to podcasts, audiobooks, music, navigation hints etc.

In other words, [css-speech]( is very useful indeed and definitely deserves more interest by implementors, but the media *type* `speech` could safely be deprecated. However, MQ should introduce aural media *features*! 

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Received on Wednesday, 15 April 2020 15:19:01 UTC