Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts] incorporate mitigations for font based fingerprinting (#4055)

> For what language communities can a Web author generally expect users to have a nameable but non-system-bundled font installed (group 5 in my previous comment) such that it's not pretty much the only font available for the script (in which case there'd be no need to name it)?

Japanese and Chinese (and maybe Korean? I'm not sure) come to mind, if we count fonts installed by office as non system fonts. Also if we count the windows 10 not-installed-by-default fonts as non system fonts. They'll be readable without that, but they won't be pretty.

> As for the case where everyone in a language community has to install a font because their script isn't covered by system fonts at all (group 6 in my previous comment)[...]
> Are there living scripts without any font out of the box on macOS, Android, and Chrome OS?

Mongolian fails to display properly out of the box of macOS. Demo here:

I'm sure there's more. @r12a probably knows of some.

> > People who pay a substantial percentage of their income on data costs, and wish to reduce the weight of web pages by installing commonly used fonts to avoid them being downloaded over and over by @font-face. May overlap with 5.

> Performing that optimization requires enough understanding of how browsers work that it doesn't seem unreasonable to expect users who perform that optimization to also have the knowhow to flip a pref to opt out of the privacy protection.

On an individual basis, I agree. In a community where you set up your system like your cousin/friend told you, because then you save tons of money, even if you don't know why, there could be a substantial number of people doing it without understanding. Sure, if the steps to follow change, the cousin/friend's message can change, but we're still living out in the cold people for who it used to work.

Granted, this is a hypothetical, and I don't have first hand knowledge of this situation existing. But I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

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Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2019 13:08:04 UTC