Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values] Automatic parsing of value definitions (#2921)

I'm starting to implement the changes resolved on in #355, to use the [bracketed range notation]( to indicate values with constraints on them. That's relevant to this discussion in two ways:

- Please make sure your tools are updated to be able to parse the constrained values in syntax productions! Examples: `<integer [1, 10]>`, `<length-percentage [0, ∞]>`

- Some values which are currently defined in non-standard ways may be able to be defined with the new syntax. E.g. `glyph-orientation-vertical` could be
  `auto | <angle [0deg,0deg]> | <angle [90deg,90deg]> | <number [0,0]> | <number [90,90]>`
  But the question is: is the standardization of syntax worth the obfuscation this syntax creates?
  Does the fact that this is an ugly legacy property make a difference one way or the other?

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Received on Monday, 6 May 2019 03:51:49 UTC