Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-adjust-1] Limits on the `only` color scheme keyword (#3881)

I consider this whole `supported-color-schemes` feature user hostile, fwiw.  The preferred theme is something the _user_ should be in supreme control over.  Authors should accommodate that preference by using the `prefers-color-scheme` media query instead and not force their own preferences onto the user, who may have chosen their theme for accessibility reasons.  Fighting this horribly bad feature might be futile, given that one vendor have chosen to [ship it]( anyway (browser wars are so much fun aren't they?), but can we at least get rid of the `'only'` part? (If it stays, I will fight hard to make Gecko parse it, but then ignore it.)

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Received on Sunday, 5 May 2019 22:19:09 UTC