Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text-decor] What happens to the wavy & double lines when `text-decoration-thickness` is applied? (#4134)

To answer your question, in Firefox the space between the two lines is equal to half the line thickness. (It defaults to 1 if half of the line thickness is less than 1). 

You can also compare how the different browsers render styled decoration lines by using large font-sizes. I've written up a basic example on CodePen [here]( and took some screenshots on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox Nightly to illustrate.

You can see that Firefox has a very different wavy underline as compared to Chrome and Safari, while Safari and Firefox have a more similar double text-decoration than Chrome which doesn't have much space between the two lines.

There's a high-level overview of how Gecko draws the wavy underline in a comment here:

Chrome's implementation using Bezier curves is described here:

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Received on Friday, 19 July 2019 21:18:50 UTC