Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text] Should <wbr> create a break opportunity in `nowrap`? (#3562)

* Doing what Blink does is certainly web compatible (and follows the historic precendent that @fantasai mentioned)
* if you want the alternative behavior despite that markup, you can `display: none` the `<wbr>`, so authors are not stuck.
* Given that the `white-space` property applies to inlines, and `<wbr>` with that behavior is reasonably described as something like `<span style=white-space:normal`>&#x200b;</span>` (or the same on its ::before or ::after), so no particular magic needs to be involved
* The same logic applies with `white-space: pre` instead of `white-space: nowrap`
* Relatedly `<wbr>` introduces a word break even with `word-break: keep-all` (and that also works in Firefox)

I agree with @fantasai that no change is needed in css-text to support the existence of an element that behave like that. A clarification in the HTML spec seems like the right place. The right bug to discuss this is probably:

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Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 04:07:11 UTC