Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts] system-ui-serif, system-ui-monospaced, and system-ui-rounded (#4107)

I don’t agree that what authors want is to by name for whatever the exact font is today. From what we heard on the call, they want to ask for the system U.I. Serif font, and today get whatever that font is, and tomorrow get whatever it is then. 

That said, `-apple-ui-*` might make a certain amount of sense, if it is truly not sure that will ever be meaningful on non-Apple platforms, other than possibly as an alias of a more general `system-ui`. But even in Firefox and Chrome, they might still want to get the right font with it in their Mac versions (thus `-apple-` instead of `-webkit-`). 

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Received on Wednesday, 28 August 2019 20:25:51 UTC