Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-align] Values section shouldn't point wholesale to CSS Level 2

Which is to say: I updated all the specs that had a Values section to match this wording; I'm happy to do further updates if the WG wants a different boilerplate.  

(There's only 21 specs with a Values section:

* css-align
* css-animations
* css-backgrounds
* css-break
* css-display
* css-line-grid
* css-position
* css-ruby
* css-scroll-snap
* css-shapes
* css-size-adjust
* css-sizing-3
* css-sizing
* css-speech
* css-text-decor-4
* css-text-decor
* css-text
* css-transforms-2
* css-transforms
* css-writing-modes-3
* css-writing-modes


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Received on Tuesday, 27 June 2017 21:04:22 UTC