Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text] letter-spacing should not apply to the end edge of a line/span?

> The problem with the negative-margin hack is that it doesn't help when the span also has a coloured background, so the third option is just not good enough.

Agreed. We have two workarounds:
a. Use negative margin to eliminate the end-spacing.
b. Use positive padding to add the same spacing to the begin-side.

The workaround b works good if you need spacing on the begin side too, even when it has borders or background color.

Do you happen to know any real pages that has 1) letter-spacing, 2) has background-color or borders, and 3) don't want begin-side spacing? My imagination can't tell me how often this combination occurs, I hope you can help us on this.

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Received on Monday, 26 June 2017 04:53:36 UTC