Re: [csswg-drafts] Add :focusring selector

We just got a complaint about a button showing its focus colours after some testing mouse users tested it. The button removes something from the page. Focus remains on the button (natch). The users thought they broke something (thought they made the button quit working) and the designers were, on the basis of that, asked to stop making the button change colour when clicked.

I think this is partially due to a combination of browsers acting a bit different regarding buttons than, say, links and inputs, and secondly because it's become super a la mode fashion hipster trend to go Material-Design-style where all the interactive feedbacks are so so so subtle that if you have anything less than the greatest-newest-sharpest monitor and eyeballs, you don't even see it. Example: faint shadow on clickable disappears when focussed. I think a lot of mouse users have simply not even noticed their buttons looked like a faintly different shade of blue all this time.  And that's only IF designers and developers even bothered to add something other than :hover styles.

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Received on Thursday, 22 June 2017 12:05:00 UTC