Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid] `<pre>` blocks are breaking grid layout

I believe that this example behaves as specified. But it's the specified behavior of the `fr` units that is really a bit counter-intuitive (I ran into a similar issue myself, though with the `table` element, recently). It turns out that the grid tracks sized with `fr` [has the implied minimum with]( of `auto`:

> If the product of the hypothetical fr size and a flexible track’s flex factor is less than the track’s base size, restart this algorithm treating all such tracks as inflexible.

So if a `fr`-sized track has some wide non-wrappable content (wide image, table or `pre` block with long lines), it can't get narrower than this content. The workaround for this is replacing `1fr` with something like `minmax(0%, 1fr)` ([see the forked Codepen](

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Received on Tuesday, 11 July 2017 07:14:34 UTC