Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color] Working Color Space

>That doesn't require a working colorspace

Is that because when no interpolation / composition is needed, we can 
just do:
input space ---- (via CIE-lab)----> output space (which is a no-op 
when input=output)
instead of
input space ---- (via CIE-lab)----> working-space ----(via 
CIE-lab)----> output space

Presuming that's the case, it means that converting from the input to 
the output space is something that can happen late in the pipeline, 
well after computed or even used values. In which case the resolved 
value (result of getComputedStyle()) would presumably be the same as 
the specified value. This also seems fine when it comes to 

However, when it comes to interpolation (gradients, animations...), 
this looks like something that you should be able to resolve at 
computed value time, as it does not depend on layout, much less 
painting or compositing. And that means it should affect the computed 
value and the result of getComputedStyle() somehow.

So how do we spec that? do we say that the computed and used values 
are the specified values, even in the cases where they will be used as
 inputs for an interpolation, but that when a property is set to a 
color that is the result of an interpolation (e.g. because of an 
animation / transition), then it is set to the right color in the 
working color space at computed value time?


Note: this relates to #871, #741, #480, #867, #883 (at least)

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Received on Wednesday, 25 January 2017 02:29:16 UTC