Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-display] "flow-root" is a confusing value for display

It's not just about containing floats... or even just about blocks. 
The 'flow' keyword (as opposed to 'flow-root') is applied to blocks to
 indicate that their context and their contents are all part of the 
same formatting context--implying a certain boundary transparency wrt 
margins and floats--but it also is applied to inlines to indicate the 
same thing, that the contents of the inline and its surrounding 
context all participate in the same formatting context (which in this 
case is about merging text runs, aligning together, performing 
bidi-reordering across boundaries, etc.).

"Flow" is also used to describe the content model in HTML that allows 
intermixing of block and inline content, and we wanted to tie into 
that concept.

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Received on Monday, 23 January 2017 22:30:54 UTC