Re: [csswg-drafts] [background-4] Add background-repeat-x/y

After discussing this after the resolution, I wasn't aware that 
deprecated implied that all other UAs that don't support this need to 
add this - my understanding of it's implication was more inline with 
obsolete. I would like to re-open this issue and discuss roughly 
defining it but marking it as obsolete. In addition to this, 
@FremyCompany looked into why Edge removed this and it was due to us 
implementing multiple backgrounds, and when testing Chrome sure enough
 you can't have multiple backgrounds in conjunction with 
background-repeat-x/y ( - I tried 
numerous vals to see if they mapped them together to no avail). By 
switching to obsolete, it allows us to vocalize to authors not to use 
it and allows Blink to, when possible take the necessary steps to 
remove it and doesn't burden others to implement it.

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Received on Thursday, 12 January 2017 17:47:51 UTC