[csswg-drafts] Pull Request: [css-values] Add several new units

Crissov has just submitted a new pull request for 

== [css-values] Add several new units ==
My git-fu isn’t strong enough yet to split this nicely into separate 
pull requests.

# Length units

## Viewport-relative length units

* `vi` and `vb` logical viewport units. – were already included (#113,

## Relative length units

* Add the [`ic` and] `en` advance units. (#357; #315)
* Add the `cap` unit. (#660, #315, #661)
* Add the `bs` and `hs` stroke units. (#239, #459, #838)

## Absolute length units

* Add the `m`, `dm` and `mu` metric units. (#315)
* Add the `dd` and `cc` metric typographic units. (#315)
* Add the `thm`, `mdl` metric English units.
* Add the `dot` greatest common divisor unit. (#315) <!-- cf. `emu` 
* Add the `yd`, `ft` and `hd` English units. (#315)
* Add the `sx`, `tx` and `twip` English fractional typographic units. 
(#315, #378)
* Add the `ax`, `ay`, `bx`, `by`, `cx` and `cy` paper units. (#328, 

## Anthropometric/physiological length units 

* Add the `tip`, `tap`, `mark`, `pad`, `span` and `sole` 
anthropometric units. (#614, #837)

# Angle units

* Add the `moa` and `soa` angular units.
* Add the `pi` circular unit. (#309)
* Add the `perm` slope unit.

# Duration units

* Add the classic `min` and `h` units.
* Add the psychological `now` and `mom` units. (#837)
* Add the physiological (heart) `beat` and (eye) `blink` units. (#837)
* Add the technical `jif` unit.

# Frequency units 

* Add the classic `bpm` unit.

See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/848

Received on Sunday, 1 January 2017 12:31:12 UTC