Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-sizing-3] Spec disagrees with reality on how min-content / max-content contribution is computed for elements w/ intrinsic aspect ratio & percent size in opposite dimension

OK - so "auto-sized" *and* "zero-sized" *both* refer specifically to the dimension that we're trying to measure, and the hypothetical float's containing block is meant to be the same as the measured-element's containing block.

Also, I think the hypothetical float needs to have `{height|width}:100%` in the not-being-measured dimension, in order for percent sizes on the element itself to resolve against the actual containing block size.  Like this:  If I don't include `height:100%` on the hypothetical float here, then the float & canvas each end up huge.

With all that, I think the spec matches reality & makes sense.

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Received on Thursday, 28 December 2017 16:28:52 UTC