CSS Accessibility Task Force session at TPAC 2019?


Are there any plans to have a CSS Accessiblity session at TPAC? And if so,
can we pick a day so that people can identify scheduling conflicts?

Currently, both CSS and ARIA working groups are scheduled to meet on the
Monday & Tuesday. Maybe a few hours could be set aside in one of those
meetings for a crossover?

We have a few contentious open issues that would benefit from getting CSS &
accessibility folks in the same room (alt text for CSS generated content,
exposing text-transform to the accessibility tree), and many open requests
for accessibility review <https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues> of CSS
specs.  Then there is the CSS AAM spec, which is in need of a kick start:
scope out what it needs to include & assign some editors to draft it!

~Amelia Bellamy-Royds

Received on Wednesday, 19 June 2019 20:25:54 UTC