Re: Ethereum - Doomsday machine or not?

Hello Michael,

in your April 2015 post you said, "I think we can stop the mafia contract at the
gateway to the real world by blacklisting it, everything it creates and any
known "proxy" service in the blockchain it could use to hide."

I wonder now, in which way that could possibly be implemented. Also I don't yet
understand what you meant by "gateway to the real world".

Further you stated, "By banning mixing services or any funds coming out of them,
the incentive to help the mafia contract could be reduced to a minimum."

Would you please go more into detail regarding the nature of such bans? How
would you implement that using an Ethereum application?

Finally I'd like to know whether you started any Ethereum project in the
meanwhile. As I can see from you signature you are an employee of an Internet

Best regards

Mathias Hollstein
Nongovernmental Intelligence Organization
TRON-DELTA.ORG (NGO) | Jul. 15, 2015 - 17:00 PM | Sign. v5.3.10 in UTF-8
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