Re: Invitation to a new Iteration of CredWeb

Hi Annette,

We are going to create an email list for people interested. We expect to 
meet once a month for a few months, depending on interest. We may have a 
more traditional workshop (in person or virtual) in late 2025.


On 3/3/2025 1:16 PM, Annette Greiner wrote:
> Is there a plan for the remainder of the workshop meetings? I’d like 
> to advertise these to folks at my organization, but without more 
> info (e.g., how many workshop meetings will there be and how often 
> will they occur?) it’s going to be hard for people to commit.
> Annette Greiner
> NERSC User Experience Lead
> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
>> On Feb 24, 2025, at 8:59 AM, Scott Yates <> wrote:
>> Dear CredWeb member,
>> Below you'll find a note from some of the top honchos at the W3C. 
>> They recently decided that the current state of the internet... 
>> well... it sucks. And they want to make it better in the ways that 
>> they can as the organization where the internet was pretty much invented.
>> But rather than create a new group, they realized that there's a 
>> group that's been trying to make the internet less sucky for a while 
>> now, the group you belong to, the CredWeb Community Group. They 
>> approached Sandro and me recently and asked if they could basically 
>> hijack our agenda, turbocharge who is getting invited, and increase 
>> the possibility that we might be able to produce a new standard 
>> designed to make things suck less online. Sandro and I were happy to 
>> agree.
>> So if you've been attending over the last couple of years, I'd 
>> encourage you to join the next meeting on March 12. Details below.
>> If you've been "lurking" and just keeping an eye on what we're doing 
>> from afar, I'd encourage you to attend at least this first meeting. 
>> Two different in-person W3C meetings recently saw a huge interest in 
>> this topic. The organizers of this new series think the time is right 
>> to take some bold steps. If you want a hand in shaping what those 
>> steps are, this is the time to re-engage.
>> Hope to see you on March 12!
>>     W3C is working on a deconstructed mini-workshop series to review
>>     proposals to combat misinformation on the web. Based on
>>     discussions at TPAC 2024 (Originator Profile [1] and Content
>>     Authenticity [2]) and in the W3C Strategy Team [3], there is
>>     clear interest in investigating how several proposals in this
>>     space can contribute and what standardization support they might
>>     need.
>>     The Credible Web Community Group [4] will host this deconstructed
>>     mini-workshop series to discuss a project framework for assessing
>>     tooling in the authentic web ecosystem.
>>     We will hold a virtual meeting on 12 March 2025, 10:00-11:00 EDT
>>     / 14:00-15:00 UTC, to review the framework and discuss how to
>>     move proposals to interoperable standards to combat
>>     misinformation on the web. More information can be found at:
>>     Attendance is free for all participants and is open to the
>>     public, whether or not W3C members.
>>     If you are interested in this area, we encourage you to attend
>>     the 12 March meeting to gain insights into the framework.
>>     Alternatively, you may review the meeting minutes, which will be
>>     made available afterward.
>>     To submit a proposal for presentation at a future meeting, please
>>     contact Tzviya Siegman <> <> or
>>     Dominique Hazael-Massieux <> <>.
>>     Thanks,
>>     Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications
>>     On behalf of the Program Committee:
>>     Sandro Hawke
>>     Dominique Hazael-Massieux
>>     Chris Needham
>>     Tzviya Siegman
>>     Scott Yates
>>     [1]
>>     [2]
>>     [3]
>>     [4]
>> -Scott Yates
>> Founder
>> <>, caretaker of the 
>> trust.txt framework
>> 202-742-6842
>> Chair of W3C Credibility Group 
>> <>
>> Member IPTC <> and Rebuild Local News 
>> <>
>> Short Video Explanation of trust.txt <>
Tzviya Siegman
Sustainability Lead

Received on Monday, 3 March 2025 18:34:34 UTC