long time no chat, CredWeb friends

You are getting this email because at some point you were a part of the
CredWeb group in W3C, started by the incomparable Sandro Hawke.

Then I came in and tried to create a new mission for the group, and then we
all just moved on.

This group is now going to get deleted unless we find a new source of
inspiration and leadership, but before we do that... maybe we could just
get together to get quick updates on what we've all been doing?

Let's do it at the time we used to do it: this Wednesday at 4 p.m. in
London, 11 a.m. Eastern, 8 a.m. in California.

Here's a Google Calendar link.

I hope to see a lot of you there! If you can't make that time, feel free to
drop Sandro and me a note and let us know what you are up to, and if you
have any thoughts about keeping the CredWeb group going.

-Scott Yates

Received on Monday, 23 October 2023 17:02:09 UTC