Re: CredWeb Outros (was Re: long time no chat, CredWeb friends)

Hi, folks …

I’ve meant to send a note like this since I received the meeting notice, but there it was the night before, and I was just getting to it.

And then I sent it just to Sandro, instead of the list. Oops!

I’ve got a triple play from 11am to noon ET today — 

* Verifiable Credentials Working Group (VCWG) 

* Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls CG (DPVCG) 

* Credible Web Community Group (CredWebCG) 

VCWG CR is coming up fast and hard, with lots of work yet to be done, and there are things I need to be a voice on in every meeting at this point. So that's where I'll be for this hour

I think CredWeb is no less needed now than when it began, and actually has a hope of getting eyes and ears of the major browser vendors today, as they’re being more active in other WGs. But that *will* take some focused effort on someone(s)’s part, prowling relevant mailing lists and GitHub repos, as the most active public workspaces of these groups.

I can’t usefully lurk in both VCWG and CredWeb since both are in zoom rooms. And CredWeb doesn’t appear to have (planned) an irc or other live-log facility, so putting that in a corner of the screen won’t help either.

Anyway. All this to say that a CredWeb CG, using more of the infrastructure provided by W3C, still has the potential to help save the web as we wish it were.



A: Yes.                
| Q: Are you sure?           
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //                tel:+1-781-273-0900,1,32
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Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2023 14:19:05 UTC