meeting 24 hours from now

Dear members of the Credibility Group,

First, sorry for only 24 hours notice. I had a bike accident just before
Thanksgiving week, so instead of getting the issues onto GitHub and
creating a fantastic agenda for our meeting tomorrow, I was laid up. (I'll
be fine.)

Because I am so set on us finishing in six months, however, I'd like
tomorrow's meeting to go forward.

We will again meet on this link

The whiteboard that we came up with last meeting is here

According to the agenda that we talked about last meeting, the goal of this
meeting is:

December: Agree on list of general areas, and create system to put
potential questions into each of the areas

To that, I will add some background about a discussion I had with the
Credibility Coalition about using the name CredCat. In short, we can't, so
we're back to MisinfoMutt unless we come up with something better. (please!)

Thanks for your understanding, and I look forward to seeing you in 24 hours!

-Scott Yates
Founder, caretaker of the trust.txt framework
Chair of W3C Credibility Group <>
Member IPTC <> and Rebuild Local News
Short Video Explanation of trust.txt <>

Received on Tuesday, 30 November 2021 16:01:04 UTC