- From: Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net>
- Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 15:05:13 -0400
- To: public-credibility@w3.org
- Message-ID: <6a8ffc78-8c4c-ad8e-b632-46729d246de1@verizon.net>
Apologies for coming late to this discussion. My E-mail service deemed it spam, i.e., not credible. I discovered it by chance today. I'm generally in agreement with Leonard along these lines. What I'd add is that I believe the focus is misplaced on individual "sources," i.e., persons, groups, or organizations. From my perspective, it is delusional (as well as tribal & vain) to look beyond the records themselves, whose quality should be judged in accordance with reliable metadata associated with each of them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine-readable_document In any event, if this group does come to agreement on anything that we may wish to try to accomplish together, I will be happy to render our plan in open, standard, machine-readable StratML format for inclusion in the set at https://stratml.us/drybridge/index.htm#W3C Owen https://www.linkedin.com/in/owenambur/ On 7/18/2021 9:49 PM, Leonard Rosenthol wrote: > > Bob - well said… > > There are, however, a variety of efforts that are ongoing in other > places/forums about attempting to provide technology to address > various aspects of the larger issue(s) raised here. > > For example, I chair the Technical Working Group of the Coalition for > Content Provenance and Authenticity (http://c2pa.org) which is working > to deliver standards in the area of asset provenance. The C2PA is > doing its work in conjunction with W3C’s Media and Entertainment WG > and a proposed PNG update > (https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/png-2021.html > <https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/png-2021.html>), the ISO’s JPEG > Fake Media WG (https://jpeg.org/jpegfakemedia/ > <https://jpeg.org/jpegfakemedia/>), ETSI’s ESI TC > (https://www.etsi.org/committee/esi > <https://www.etsi.org/committee/esi>) and others. > > There is also work going on from Google and Chromium to bring > WebAnnots more natively in the browser that seem to align with some of > your thoughts - https://github.com/bokand/web-annotations > <https://github.com/bokand/web-annotations>. I suspect that if that > work were to gain momentum, it could serve as part of the solution you > envision. > > And of course you have Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized ID > work here at W3C and elsewhere to address identity requirements that > are necessary to establish any form of trust. > > Leonard > > *From: *Bob Wyman <bob@wyman.us> > *Date: *Sunday, July 18, 2021 at 9:27 PM > *To: *Sandro Hawke <sandro@hawke.org> > *Cc: *Credible Web CG <public-credibility@w3.org> > *Subject: *Re: Updates for the Grop [via Credibility Community Group] > > Sandro, > > Thank you for the clarification. I found it somewhat ironic that an > announcement concerning leadership of the public-credibility group did > not appear to be credible... > > I also find it rather bizarre that there appears to be no focal point > for discussion within the technical community of problems rooted in > technology even though those issues inspire raging, and often > ill-informed, discussions outside the community. At this time, it > appears that the most commonly proposed "solutions" to the problem of > credible online speech focus on various ways to restrict either our > right or our ability to speak. It would be unfortunate if such > solutions were to be imposed if there exist reasonable, but > unexplored, technical alternatives that could address the problem. I > suggest that our responsibility as a community extends beyond not only > creating and deploying technology but also to doing what we can to > ensure that others understand it and that technical solutions are > developed to mitigate or eliminate problems caused by what we have > done. Just as an engineer would feel responsible to address an > unintended bug in some software, I believe the technical community > should feel responsible to address, or at least understand, the > unintended consequences of its work. If the W3C is not the proper > forum for such discussions, what is? > > Given an apparent absence of proposals for technical solutions to the > problem, I suggest that this group should initially focus on trying to > generate discussion of the problems, and the inadequacies of existing > proposals, in the hope that a deeper and more broadly shared > understanding might generate some useful ideas that could be explored > in depth. Thus, I would suggest that an attempt be made to > reinvigorate the W3C Credible Web Community Group Zoom meetings after > over a year of inactivity. An hour or two of Zoom meetings every month > seems like a small investment that might have significant impact. > Along similar lines, I suggest that the Chair of this group should put > out a call for fresh proposals in an attempt to flush out ideas that > have not yet been fully explored or developed. Ideally, that call > would be made as broadly as possible. I would like to see a news story > entitled "Web Community seeks solutions to problems" rather than yet > another story detailing a proposal for how Facebook, Google, or > whomever, should improve their ability to decide what can and cannot > be said in public forums. > > My personal belief is that while Web Annotation has been discussed, > it's potential, when combined with Credibility Signals, has not been > fully recognized -- either as a means to address credibility or as a > potential source of entrepreneurial opportunity. As an individual user > of the web, I believe it should be a simple matter for me to publicly > tag or annotate any visible resource or fragment as either credible or > not, as true or false, etc. In essence, I suggest that *the solution > to bad speech is more speech*. Others may observe that such an ability > would simply create a cacophony of conflicting statements or claims. > But, I am confident that we'll be able to develop tools to extract > signals from the noise. If nothing else, such annotations might help > those who operate formal fact checking systems by identifying which > resources are controversial at any particular moment. Also, it should > be recognized that when such statements are made about me, or subjects > close to me, Web Annotations facilitate my exercising a "Right to > Respond." Today, too much of what is said is protected from response > by being on sites or in formats that don't permit comments or > responses from those who have an interest in the truth or credibility > of statements that are made. > > It is my hope that either this group, or some other group more > appropriate, will reinvigorate a technical discussion of these issues. > What is going on in the world of politics and in the press does not > appear to me to be leading us in a good direction. > > bob wyman >
Received on Thursday, 29 July 2021 19:05:32 UTC