Re: credweb this week

This will be in the middle of my 4days of 7-8 hrs of back to back Zoom Room
meetings as we do another regular international meeting via Remote
Participation with ICANN, so nope,  not getting up at my 0400 to join, if I
am awake, then I will drop in but please note my apologies...

On Wed, Jun 24, 2020, 03:08 Sandro Hawke <> wrote:

> It's been requested to have a "catch up" meeting, where people can just
> tell each other what they've been up to, since it's been a while.
> So, meeting tomorrow, at the usual time 24 June 2020 2pm ET
> <>
> and place, with no formal agenda, but notes
> here
> <>
> .
> BTW, this week is the virtual Global Fact 7, and most of the sessions are
> streamed to the public and recorded. Worth a look at
> and maybe let us know of any sessions
> you find particularly valuable.
>      - Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 23 June 2020 20:47:34 UTC