Revising "the report"

Should we publish a new version of Technological Approaches to Improving 
Credibility Assessment on the Web <> ?

Should we break it into smaller bits?  Are there sections that are no 
longer useful or relevant?

Is there a section or sub-document you'd want to volunteer to 
rewrite/edit?   (The group gets final say on the content; editors 
write/manage text that reflects group consensus, or at least does not 
contradict it.)

This is the topic for tomorrow's meeting (agenda 
If you can't make it tomorrow and have thoughts on this, feel free to 
reply (to all or to just me) soon.

Logistics as usual, 19 November 2019 1pm ET 

       -- Sandro

Received on Monday, 18 November 2019 18:40:34 UTC