Re: updates to tomorrow's agenda


Question about scoping of "Area 1 / Inspection : What features of a Web
Page might be helpful in evaluating its credibility, especially at scale
and robust against being gamed?"

Would you say that... this includes both intrinsic features of the content,
but also potentially other aspects of the site itself and associated
entities and artifacts? Domain names seem often mentioned as an example,
but also the publishing organization? https certificates? When does this
become "Area 3 / Reputation : How can one determine how much to trust a
particular source? What might software and social information sharing do to

it's entirely reasonable for the two areas to have overlaps, so this is
more a question about how you want to structure the meeting, than about
absolute distinctions


On Wed, 25 Jul 2018 at 11:05, Sandro Hawke <> wrote:

> I've been updating the agenda
> Including
> - link to list of people (which has been growing) - we'll have enough
> people coming and going, that I don't think we can do intros
> effectively, and instead people should refer to this list.  Feel free to
> make your name a link to more info about yourself.
> - some more details on the topics
> - section on confidentiality (meeting is on-the-record except where
> agreed otherwise)
> - section on collaboration tools
> Schedule still isn't well formatted, but hopefully it's readable
>       - Sandro

Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2018 18:14:34 UTC