Text area and placeholder text

Hi, I'm doing a review regarding the Italian public administration.
They are using text area boxes with a placeholder text that remains fixed
and should be deleted if necessary, but if you want there are parts marked
with (....) where the user must enter basic information, such as name, date
of birth, all within a text box, in my opinion this behavior is not
accessible because the placeholder must be deleted in whole or in part in
case you want to use only one piece, and therefore for those with motor
problems it is not easy and for those use the screen reader, the parts to
fill in the placeholder text do not go into focus and this is really
The answer to these observations says that the wcag does not give
indications for the text area box  and therefore they can do as they wish,
I wanted your opinion.

Regards Francesco

Received on Thursday, 15 December 2022 11:56:42 UTC