Cognitive Accessibility Community Group Launched

With your support, the Cognitive Accessibility Community Group has been launched:

This group was originally proposed on 2021-08-09
by Rain Breaw Michaels. The following people supported its
      Rain Breaw Michaels
      Pablo COCA
      Rachael Bradley Montgomery
      Luce Carevic
      Kari Daggs
To join the group, please use:

Please note that supporting a group is different from joining
a group. Supporters must also enroll if they wish to participate.

The mission of the COGA Community Group is to work with and support the
Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility (COGA) Task Force
( to improve web
accessibility for people with cognitive and learning disabilities. 

This group supports the COGA Task Force by supplying user needs and

The COGA Community Group’s work will include: 
- Sharing challenges when using the web and other digital displays
- Suggesting user needs
- Helping with research
- Suggesting ways to improve accessibility for the community
- Reviewing COGA’s drafts 
- Outreach and collecting feedback from the community
- Helping with policy and the business cases for COGA guidance
- Having open meetings to discuss these points
Open meetings may be live video conferences or in other discussion


You do not need to be an expert in all topics related to cognitive
accessibility to join the community group. The COGA Community Group will
work in smaller groups for specific subjects, giving you the opportunity
to participate on the topics you choose. 

The COGA Community Group will also work together on some topics,
brainstorming and building a community dedicated to improved access for

Anyone can join this group as long as they follow the community
guidelines ( 

However, the community group will specifically benefit from including:
- people with learning and cognitive disabilities, 
people with mental health challenges,
- caregivers, therapists and people who work with people with learning,
cognitive challenges and in mental health, 
- researchers,
developers, quality assurance professionals, and user interface experts,
industry, looking to share and support ideas, and 
policy makers.

Additional details of participation
- Joining the COGA Community Group does not involve joining the COGA
Task Force. 
- If you would prefer to join this group anonymously, please send an
email to or
- The community group  will not publish specifications, but may make
suggestions to the COGA taskforce.
- For more information about community groups, please visit Community
and Business Groups Frequently Asked Questions
- Short link to this document: 

Thank you,

W3C Community Development Team

Received on Monday, 9 August 2021 21:38:47 UTC