for datasets Community Group Launched

With your support, the for datasets Community Group has been launched:

This group was originally proposed on 2016-12-01
by Dan Brickley. The following people supported its
      Dan Brickley
      Mark van Berkel
      Milos Jovanovik
      Herbert Van De Sompel
      Jereme Mongeon
To join the group, please use:

Please note that supporting a group is different from joining
a group. Supporters must also enroll if they wish to participate.

Focussed on improving interoperability between's DCAT-based
approach to dataset description and related approaches e.g. CSVW, VoID,
Data Cube, R2RML, SpatialWeb, DCAT-AP and others including liaison to
any new W3C work.

Thank you,

W3C Community Development Team

Received on Thursday, 1 December 2016 19:08:58 UTC