Research Object for Scholarly Communication Community Group Launched

With your support, W3C has launched the Research Object for Scholarly Communication Community Group

We invite you to join the group:

This group was originally proposed on 2013-04-08
by Jun Zhao. The following people supported its
      Jun Zhao
      Sean Bechhofer
      Stian Soiland-Reyes
      Khalid Belhajjame
      Jiten Bhagat
Research investigations are increasingly collaborative and require
‘‘borrowing strength’’ from the outputs of other research.
Conventional digital publications are becoming less sufficient for the
scientists to access, share, communicate, and enable the reuse of
scientific outputs. The need to have a community-wide container data
model to encapsulate the actual research data and methods with all the
contextual information essential for interpreting and reusing them is
becoming more and more imperative, for the science, publisher, as well
as digital library communities.

A number of different community groups and projects are now creating
some form of container, bundling or aggregation mechanism (particularly
using ORE OAI), partially driven by the above goal. There is a clear
need and benefit to facilitate a consensus among these representations.
In the ROSC community group we aim to provide an open platform for
gathering and discussing current development of various container models
and their implementations. These data models should be driven by the
need of facilitating the reuse and exchange of the actual digital
knowledge and the inspection of the reproducibility of scientific
investigation results. They should consider not only the data used,
methods employed to produce and analyse that data, but also the people
involved in the investigation and annotations about these resources,
which are essential to the understanding and interpretation of the
scientific outcomes.

As outcomes from the community group we aim to facilitate the
establishment of  a community data model and a set of community
agreements that can effectively assist the establishment of a new form
of scholarly communication, that is a prominent issue of today.


Thank you,

W3C Community Development Team

Received on Monday, 8 April 2013 15:22:18 UTC