Re: Feedback - Branding

On 1 Jul 2011, at 11:15 AM, Harry Halpin wrote:

> On 07/01/2011 08:27 AM, wrote:
>> I think the individual home page(s) of each CG could be branded more with the CG-Focus, rather than the current look.
>> What I mean is the large "W3C + people-icon + W3C Community and Business Groups" title across the top.
>> I think that slogan can be moved up (and made smaller) into the immediate row about it.
>> This will then leave this main title space for the name of the CG - and also an optional logo.
> To clarify Renato, would you want to have the option of having a ODRL logo there? Could you point us to the logo?
> Maybe we could have two versions of the page, a default (that which we have currently) and  one for groups with their own logo.

I won't be able to engage in the style/brand question until I return.

>> The next row below that (with CURRENT GROUPS REPORT ABOUT) are specific to all CGs (and not the current CG) so can confuse if you click on REPORTS to get every CG report. These should be left for the top-level CG homepage only.
>> The large box on the RHS with "Add New Post" and "Join/Leave this Group" could possibly move to the LHS column (as single line entries).
>> I would probably like to see two main sections (columns) on the CG homepage:
>>  1 - News and Events (like we have now)
>>  2 - Reports
> Agreed. It seems to me the most important thing for people visiting the CG page is actually to find published reports per se, but also draft reports being worked on. However, it seems to me that it would be better to have that as "row" than a column, as most groups will not have that many reports (although I recognize that your group may have quite a few Renato!)

We've designed pages so that group reports (draft and final) will be front and center on the page. We still need to build that part of the system, including the self-publishing tools.

More soon!


>   cheers,
>       harry
>> Again, I maybe asking too much :-)
>> Cheers
>> Renato Iannella
>> ODRL Initiative

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Friday, 1 July 2011 16:55:21 UTC