RE: Next Steps for W3C Coremob - Restatement of Options, Task Force Proposal - Last Call

Please take a look at the Patent Licensing row in Ian's group 
comparison: <> (NB 
IGs vs. CGs).

IMHO, the IP commitment barrier for IGs is lower than CGs because there 
is NO IP commitment required for IG participants.

<bryan> IG members have the same disclosure requirements as any member, and CG members have the same exclusion rights as WG members for any work taken up to REC-track by a WG - whether they join the WG or not. So there is really little difference - in either case there is no IP commitment required, given that disclosure-only (IG) and the right to exclusion (CG) amount to essentially the same thing.

Received on Friday, 29 March 2013 03:30:05 UTC