Re: Next Steps for W3C Coremob

To summarise, there are three possibilities: keep working as a CG, switch
to an IG, or merge the initiative with Dom's Closing The Gap.

I am quite a newcomer in the W3C family, so sorry if that sounds obvious
for most but how do people normally process to decide? Voting? Resolution?


On 11/03/2013 14:10, "Charles McCathie Nevile" <>

>On Mon, 11 Mar 2013 14:48:37 +0100, Arthur Barstow
>> On 3/10/13 7:12 AM, ext Jo Rabin wrote:
>> So I see two important messages here and I trust there is consensus on
>> these ...
>> 1. If you want to actively contribute to W3C testing efforts, join
>> public-test-infra.
>> 2. If you want to actively engage with developers, contribute to
>Well, depends *how* you want to engage, but yeah...
>> Re new scope, depending on how one squints, I think CoreMob was
>> originally mostly about "minding the gaps". As such, I recommend
>> this group and Dom's public-closing-the-gaps group. ATM, there is 100%
>> overlap between these two groups regarding people that have submitted
>> something to the gaps list. It seems like it will be mostly make work
>> try to rationalize the two groups so it would be more efficient to just
>> merge the efforts  now.
>The list will hang around forever, but headlights efforts are meant to be
>short-term (a few months). So I suspect it goes the other way around - a
>good outcome for that group would be that a sperset of CoreMob keeps
>with it.
>Note that there is already a WebTV Interest Group - effectively the model
>that Jo is suggesting. I think the model is good. The group has staff
>resources which helps them navigate W3C, and they have committed members
>who do the necessary real work.
>So they talk amongst their peers to get some sense of what they really
>need (which is usually something slightly different from what they
>when they started), and then do the hard work in the relevant groups
>(HTML, Webapps, etc) to standardise in the context of the Web Platform,
>which they recognise as bigger than TV while also showing that TV is one
>part of it.
>> Re continued spec work, does anyone have any real data about how the
>> CoreMob spec was actually used (other than as an input to
>> public-test-infra)? For instance did any proprietary browser vendor or
>> OSS browser engine implement feature X/Y/Z specifically because that
>> feature/spec was listed in CoreMob?
>I have no real data, but I claim that it was valuable to have specs
>It's not a one-way exercise - vendors also seek to "manipulate" the list,
>to manage expectations (the price of everything being in public), but I
>think it is really quite useful.
>I've also seen large groups of game developers interested in the
>I think it's good to get a segment of the industry looking like this, and
>encourage them to provide their input in the wider forum where it can get
>taken up for real.
>> Re IG vs. CG, I can see +/- both ways but it seems to me that the most
>> efficient thing to do is to continue this group as is and rather than
>> debate group structure, spend energy on #1 or #2 above or The Gaps
>Yeah, I don't think we should lose a lot of sleep on what is most
>effective. There are benefits to an IG, and the potential drawbacks look
>mostly theoretical to me, so I lean that way right now. But mostly we
>should focus on doing work instead of talking about it...
>Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex
>         Find more at


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