Re: Are We Done Yet? [Was: Re: Minutes - Coremob 2012 is "final"]

On 1/31/13 9:31 AM, ext SULLIVAN, BRYAN L wrote:
> 1) Developers need details:

I thought that was the raison d'être of Surely we don't 
want a duplicated effort.

> 2) The importance of the Mobile Web App focus is not over: CoreMob 2012 was a first step, which still needs to be validated (thru testing),

AFAIK, CoreMob actually never delivered a single test in a year. It 
seems like the testing effort being driven by Robin, PLH et al. is where 
all testing related resources should focus.

> 3) A globally focused CG of this type is a more effective collaboration and communication tool: W3C needs such a CG to continue this work, otherwise we risk again not serving developers as we rush to our corners of the W3C and create myriad little CGs that developers can't find or follow. We need a central place where market stakeholders can continue to discuss/develop and promote this very important profile of the web.

OK, so CoreMob.NG's charter is Marketing. I can understand that.

-Cheers, AB

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2013 14:40:06 UTC