Updated Draft Web and Mobile Interest Group Charter

Hi all,

I've looked at the feedback sent over the past few weeks, and have tried
to integrate it in the attached version of the charter.

You can see the changes between the previous version [1] and this one by
using W3C HTML Diff service at http://services.w3.org/htmldiff based on
the archived copy of the attachment to this message.

The changes have been mostly in the dependency list where I have
included a blanket "Community Groups" entry to cover feedback from Bryan
and Natasha, and added links to the various entries as requested by

I've converged toward using a new mailing list for the IG in light of
Art's comment and Bryan's wish to continue the work in the CoreMob CG;
I've also included Josh's idea of making it possible to use separate
lists for task forces as needed.

I have also added a timeline summary with my rough guesses for the first
months of operations of the group.

I would like to proceed with the formal chartering process of the IG
given that I've heard mostly support with the approach; as a result, I
would appreciate if people interested in this group could send me
feedback on that updated (and hopefully nearly final) charter before
next Tuesday (May 7).




Received on Tuesday, 30 April 2013 13:33:24 UTC