RE: Draft Web and Mobile Interest Group Charter


Here are my comments to the charter. 

Our general position is that the CoreMob CG should continue and provide a more open/unstructured dialog forum for determining what's important, and perhaps more narrowly focused now that part of its charter is being addressed by the testing activity. The CoreMob CG should have the charter or at least the lion's share of responsibility to develop CoreMob 2013 and beyond. This is important to continue the engagement with current CoreMob members, as they consider closer involvement with W3C through the IG - not all will be able to join the CG and we need to continue fostering a community of non-W3C members through the Community Group process.

Just a few specific comments on the charter:

"telecoms" -> "network operators"

Under "3.2 External Groups" I would add IETF, especially for their work on HTTP 2.0 as that (potentially) will be one of the key considerations for technology developed outside W3C.

Under "3.1 W3C Groups" I would add the existing CoreMob Community Group as I recommend that it continue and have a special working relationship with the new IG as noted below.

Under "4. Participation" I would add that contributions from related Community Groups (there could be multiple, in the end) be especially welcomed and given special consideration in the development of the work of the new IG.

Bryan Sullivan 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jo Rabin [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 9:29 AM
To: Coremob
Subject: Draft Web and Mobile Interest Group Charter

Hi everyone, please find attached a Draft Charter for the Web and Mobile Interest Group which has been under discussion on this list for a while now.

Comments much welcomed.

Many thanks

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 22:44:39 UTC