Wiki request: how to import tests in the "pull requests" list to review them, and submit new ones

Request to add to

I have installed all of the prerequisites and taken all the actions described in, up to "Creating and Running a Test". I would like to import the tests in the "pull request" list in order to review them (e.g. try them out on my own server), and start the process of creating new tests once I understand how things are built. It would be very helpful if steps were clarified as to how to do this, i.e.:
-       how to get the submitted tests (pull requests) installed under the test server created in the process followed above
-       once new tests are created, how to get them into the coremob-tests fork, e.g. what folder to put them in, and how to create a pull request to get them submitted to coremob-tests for review

Sorry if these are github newbie questions but I am stuck at this point.

Bryan Sullivan

Received on Monday, 28 May 2012 19:53:19 UTC