Re: Ringmark, Core Mobile, and the Financial Times

On 6/12/12 6:52 AM, ext Robin Berjon wrote:
> So we have resources on one side and work that needs to be done on 
> testing on the other, but something is not happening — I'd like to 
> know why. 

Please ignore the following if your question is purely rhetorical ...

Testing is `hard` and has no `glory`?

WRT the former, if testharness.js is considered a blocker, related 
comments, flames, etc. should be sent to 
(unless James suggests otherwise).

WRT the later, Marcos did a good job of creating a cover page for each 
of the web application packing spec's Test Suites and he acknowledged 
the Test Contributors (e.g. [1]) so there is at least one way to provide 
some recognition (although the Contributors could be more prominent like 
Editors in specs).

> It would certainly help if some in the 200+ lurkers were to speak up! 
> Perhaps it is that there's something missing in making it possible, 
> easier, simpler, clearer, better incentivised to apply the former to 
> the latter. 

I think someone recently mentioned (perhaps at last May's AC meeting) 
the idea of a "testing tax". For example, a mandatory requirement to 
attend CoreMob's upcoming f2f meeting could be submitting at least 25 
test cases (using testharness.js) to one of the specs this group 
considers "core". [No pain, no gain and such ;-).]



Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2012 21:33:38 UTC