Re: modeling shares of benefits (ex. electricity in a grid, trips on common transit etc.)

Excerpts from Fabio Barone's message of 2012-08-30 13:30:20 +0000:
> I am not sure if this is pertinent,
> and maybe my thinking is plain wrong,
> it's something similar but different :)
> What if for example people generating sustainable clean energy would
> actually become currency issuers? This means the issue money which can
> circulate in the economy, backed by some real good - energy, everybody
> needs energy. The generator commits to accept the units in turn for actual
> energy delivery.
> The units could be signed, a CA for this purpose could be setup which
> certifies that someone is in fact clean energy producer.
> If there is a local grid with enough issuers...?
> Maybe this contributes to the conversation :)
> cheers

not sure if i understand you thought as you intended it...

personally i focus on variants of economical tools not introducing fictional monetary tokens, still i look for common foundations which can also support use of all kind of such fictional monetary currencies by those people who want to choose to use them - i've already chosen not to use such systems myself :)

in cases i described, i look for access tokens to collectively owned resources like electricity in grids or trips on common transit, personally i would also look at ways of using them which assists distribution of resources rather than attempts of accumulation, where electricity and transit make an interesting cases.

so for example if someone contributes down the dependency chain of particular trip of a bus, with intention of making this trip possible, and bus in the end goes empty... well this person have contributed to wasted resource so in a future may simply want to improve ones own decision process on what to contribute.

once more, i look how in general rather than drift into fantasies of conceptual systems, model digital representation of happenings in physical reality and just use those models to empower everyone in non-hierarchical collaboration on shaping future of our common environment.

i better start making some sketches to work with those concepts in more visual way!

cheers :)

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2012 14:27:40 UTC