- From: <noreply@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 07:05:15 +0000
- To: public-comments-wcag20@w3.org
Name: Makoto Ueki Email: makoto.ueki@gmail.com Affiliation: Infoaxia, Inc. Document: UW Item Number: Understanding Success Criterion 1.4.3 Part of Item: Intent Comment Type: question Summary of Issue: Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change): In "Intent of this Success Criterion" section, it reads "Corporate visual guidelines beyond logo and logotype are not included in the exception." in the 6th paragraph. There can be a case where a designer want to use the same colors used on logo. In such case, a designer would not have a choice to select colors to be used. If using the color used on logo (ex. #FF0000) would result in insufficient contrast ratio, would it fail SC 1.4.3? Even if a designer understood SC 1.4.3, he/she will avoid using different colors than #FF0000 because it could undermine the visual identity and/or corporate identity of the organization. Also there can be a case where brand design guideline defines a set of colors to be used for any visual design on web, ad, brochure, and so on and a designer has no choice. Proposed Change: Is "Corporate visual guidelines beyond logo and logotype are not included in the exception." also applied to such case? If so, should we change the colors defined in the guidelines to meet SC 1.4.3? I think it's too strict.
Received on Monday, 10 March 2014 07:05:16 UTC