Potential consequences of success criterion 3.2.5 are too severe for \"AAA\"

Name: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (Common Look and Feel Office)
Email: clf-nsi@tbs-sct.gc.ca
Affiliation: Government of Canada
Document: W2
Item Number: Success Criterion 3.2.5
Part of Item: 
Comment Type: general comment
Summary of Issue: Potential consequences of success criterion 3.2.5 are too severe for \"AAA\"
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
This success criterion should be increased to \"AA\" or at least should be split into two different success criterions with one being \"AA\" and the other being \"AAA\". 

If the end result of some of the situations identified in the success criterion is user disorientation due to unexpected changes in context then the potential consequences are too severe for a \"AAA\" success criterion.

For instance, why is there no \"AA\" or higher success criterion that requires links that open in new windows to have advanced warning that is both visible and can be programmatically determined? Why are server-side/instant client-side redirects not a \"AA\" requirement? Why are 3.2.1 (On Focus) and 3.2.2 (On Input) \"A\" level success criterions yet the two aforementioned situations are only “AAA”?

Proposed Change:
1) Change success criterion 3.2.5 from \"AAA\" to \"AA\".


2) Split success criterion 3.2.5 into two separate \"AA\" and \"AAA\" success criterions with the \"AA\" success criterion covering the more important situations such as links that open in new windows and server-side/instance client-side redirects and the \"AAA\" success criterion covering the less important situations.

Received on Monday, 28 January 2008 19:05:21 UTC