Editorial: WCAG 2.0 is hard to connect to concrete HTML authoring

This comment applies to the whole set of WCAG 2.0 documents as is an  
editorial comment.

I tried to compare alt advice in the HTML5 draft with WCAG 2.0. I  
found that matching a concrete image use case to suggested HTML syntax  
is harder when reading WCAG 2.0 than when reading HTML5.

Splitting the content of WCAG 2.0 across three documents and trying to  
operate on a technology-agnostic abstraction level makes it WCAG 2.0  
less approachable than a document that covers concrete cases using a  
specific markup language as the example.

Proposed solution: Making the Understanding document the spec and  
introducing things by concrete example cases instead of abstract terms.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Wednesday, 20 August 2008 09:22:36 UTC